Thursday, October 14, 2004

Political: It's Not Dirty Unless You Think It Is

Why is Mrs. Cheney characterizing Senator Kerry's mention of her daughter's homosexuality as a "tawdry political trick?" Why is homosexuality tawdry? If someone said, "I support international interracial adoptions, much like my opponent does, as she has a beautiful Chinese daughter" I'd say, "You're Damn Right! And there she is in the audience! She's the most loved kid in the world." John McCain would say the same thing about his adopted Bangladeshi child. Why would mentioning something about my child be a cheap trick, unless I was somehow ashamed of my child? Why would I care what other people thought about my daughter, unless I myself was not entirely at peace with my daughter? And why would I be a member of a political party comprised of members who would have a problem with my daughter? The tawdry, shameful thing is not John Kerry's remark. It is seeing two parents in such anguish trying to decide: "Do I change my love for my child or do I change my political views?" That oughta be an easy question to answer in the final analysis, if not immediately in the moment.

August former Congressman Steve Gunderson put it very well, in terms of putting a human face on the issue; when people think of "gay" they see parades and Freddy Mercury and something seedy out of their own diseased minds. They don't see the Mary Cheneys, the millions and millions of gay people living in the most subversive way possible, which is going to church, living monogamously, and just being so much like you and I that you don't even know that you live next door to "them." I feel bad for the Cheneys that they perceive their daughter's sexual orientation as a judgment upon them, as if my hetero orientation is a judgment upon my own parents. It is what it is. And, as John Kerry said, Mary Cheney is who she is.

Short Story Long: Elizabeth Edwards nailed it: "I think it's a very sad state of affairs."

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