Yep. Eyebrows.
You know the kind (don't you?)-- groomed but not girly-groomed. Bushy but not Ernest Borgnine bushy. Masculine but not Brezhnev masculine. Just the right amount of each element to help anchor the other facial features.
I've always kind of joked that I have an eyebrow fetish, but this photo of Josh Hartnett --a man I'm not at all attracted to in real life-- blew me away. I knew I had a problem when I saw it and said, "Man. He's got some really awesome eyebrows..."

Other eyebrow hotties include:

And then this one, which definitely includes eyebrows, but is mostly about the kilt (my totally not-secret fetish):

2 words: Ian Somerhalder. Dead Boone on Lost!
Though his may stray just a hair (snort! get it?) into girly territory.
Don't worry. I totally have an eyebrow fetish too ^^ All my friends think Im weird but I love them :)
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