Saturday, December 22, 2007

I've Been AWOL

Had a sick kid at home for two days. Need I say more? Between trying to get her comfortable while trying to avoid catching what she had, I had too many balls in the air to even consider opening my computer. But she's on the upswing, it seems, which means that I'll be back online this weekend and throughout next week. This being a Jewish operation, we will be open for business on Christmas Day, so when your belly is way full, your presents have all been played with once or twice, and your Uncle Chet is about to tell his story from 'Nam for the twelfth time in as many hours, you can always click here and I'll have something for you. Even if it's just that video of the burning logs in the fireplace...

1 comment:

Vigilante said...

E, health to you and to everyone of your readers, Best Holiday Wishes!