Thursday, December 22, 2005

It Depends What Your Definition of "Is" Is.

Or what your definition of "unconstitutional" is.

A GREAT article in the WSJ today about how the NSA wiretapping issue has exposed the fault lines within the Republican party between traditional limited government conservatives and interventionist neoconservatives.

On the one side you've got the Rudmans, Specters and Snowes calling Bush's actions a presidential overreach that endangers balanced government. Even Bob Freakin' Barr, that former MOC loonacious loon from Georgia called it "an egregious violation" of the electronic surveillance laws. Then you've got your Trent Lotts and Bill Kristols doing their "Yes man" shuckin' and jivin' to the tune of Hail to the Chief.

The article's final point, which is a good one, is that the line between the two positions goes straight through Iraq: Those who thought it a good idea to go to Iraq support the NSA wiretapping; those you didn't/don't, think it's unjustified and unbecoming a conservative President.

Although Bush has never claimed to be conservative. He's always declared that he's a "compassionate conservative," which means of course that he "loves the sinner and hates the sin," or in this case, he loves the Constitution but hates that it applies to him.

1 comment:

Vigilante said...

This little bit smokes me out of my hole.

that the line between the two positions goes straight through Iraq: Those who thought it a good idea to go to Iraq support the NSA wiretapping; those you didn't/don't, think it's unjustified and unbecoming a conservative President.

As you know, E, I yield to no one on my opposition to the un-provoked, unnecessary, unplanned, and largely unilateral invasion and occupation of Iraq (UUULUIOI), the blame for which I lay at the feet of Bush and his fellow travelers. I have always maintained that there are two proper theaters in the GWOT: (1) Afghanistan and (2) the smart, multi-lateral policing of the national security of all countries which are significant in the modern global economy. Because of #2, my tendency is to support a little fudging on cell phone conversations.

At the same time, I'm delighted that Bush got caught going about it in his typically sneaky, secretive, deceptive and imperial way. The more shit that comes his way, the more I want to get up and go outside and dance nude on the midnight green.

I can't help it. That's the way I feel. And now the world knows it.