The GOP and the McCain campaign are making great hay out of the fact that Obama's stage at Invesco Field has "greek temple" columns. Um, I gently offer the following photo of George W. Bush accepting the nomination of his party in New York in 2004:
Note the columns. Was the GOP invoking the image of Mount Olympus with the columns? Of course not. Those columns also represent American civic architecture (government buildings, etc). GWB speaks in front of columns at his convention because it looks classically American, but as soon as Obama throws up some columns it's because he thinks he's a god, right?
Must the Republicans be hypocrites about everything? I mean, this shit wouldn't even pass for third-rate character assassination in a high school. Is this all they've got? "The guy has columns on his stage?!" Too bad more than a few Americans will eat it up, not being "elitist" enough to recall that disgraceful and uppity columnar GOP convention in '04...
In other hypocrisy, John McCain went on Jay Leno (for his thirteenth appearance) to discuss what a celebrity bubblehead Obama is. When is someone going to call this guy out?!! And again with the POW thing. At what point can we call it like it is: that McCain is cheapening the tremendously honorable and indescribable experience that so many other Americans have endured as POWs? To constantly use it as a means of deflecting valid questions, McCain is complicit in making it a punchline; something it should never be. That is precisely NOT the definition of honor. It's rank opportunism. Or putting your "ambition" before "your country." Oh wait, no. That's what he accused Obama of doing...
Imagine if Obama kept saying, "You can't ask me about that issue because you know I grew up without a father, with a single mother, blah blah." Everyone would call him out for making excuses based on something from decades ago. So why is it not similarly seen as excuse-making when McCain deflects a question about something he did last year by saying he was a POW 40 years ago?!
That's all I'm sayin'...
Okay, my rant is done. I'm just so over the whole McCain hagiography. Let's have a debate about the issues, about each man's vision for our country, each man's temperament for the job. Let's talk about that.
1 comment:
This is exactly the post I would have written today if my brain were engaged. Thanks for doing it for me.
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