Sunday, September 23, 2007

Gimme an F'ing Break, Sally

Here is a link to Sally Kohn's diary on Daily Kos. I generally don't read Kos simply because it pisses me off so much, being a complete lefty fat-headed site (with all due respect to those of you who may love it). But doesn't Kohn's post highlight a few ugly facts, perhaps, about the state of progressives at the moment? If Kohn's words resonate among the readers of Kos, I completely despair. I am no friend to George Bush, but this kind of article reminds me of the mindless Clinton haters, the ones who actually believed he'd had his friends killed and that he obviously ran/runs some kind of satanic liberal blow job-receiving cabal of people trying to turn the US communist, gay and immoral. It saddens me beyond belief to see people on the left engaging in the same kind of almost-laughable, mindless, stupid hate. Bush is a complete failure, morally, politically and intellectually. He is an embarrassment and an ongoing liability of enormous potential danger to the United States and our allies. I dislike him on such a veritable rainbow of levels that I find it difficult to know where one shade of dislike starts and another ends. But to go where Sally goes? Unbelievable.

In case you're wondering, her post begins like this:
"I know I'm a Jewish lesbian and he'd probably have me killed. But still, the guy speaks some blunt truths about the Bush Administration that make me swoon...Okay, I admit it. Part of it is that he just looks cuddly. Possibly cuddly enough to turn me straight. I think he kind of looks like Kermit the Frog. Sort of. With smaller eyes. But that’s not all… I want to be very clear. There are certainly many things about Ahmadinejad that I abhor — locking up dissidents, executing of gay folks, denying the fact of the Holocaust, potentially adding another dangerous nuclear power to the world and, in general, stifling democracy. Even still, I can’t help but be turned on by his frank rhetoric calling out the horrors of the Bush Administration and, for that matter, generations of US foreign policy preceding."

Pardon my french, but Sally Kohn is a f*^&ing moron. Ahmadinejad tortures and kills people, he imprisons dissidents, he spreads hate, he has burgeoning nuclear capability--but HEY! HE HATES GEORGE BUSH AS MUCH AS I DO! HE CAN'T BE ALL BAD!! Because a despicable human being dislikes Bush, he's now "cute"? He makes you "swoon?" Who writes this sh*t about a piece of human garbage like Ahmadinejad and expects to ever be taken seriously again?

Sally is a mess, and this post unfortunately displays the sad extent of it. Ahmadinejad is a hateful, evil and dangerous man.

You know, the kind of guy only a Bush-hater--and, more importantly, a self-hater--could love.



Geoff said...

Bush or Ahmadinejad.

It's not even a question. Both are open misanthropes and to choose one over the other is to choose the minutely lesser of two great evils.

I'd rather say f@ck both of them, and let the rest of us live in peace, for a change.

Vigilante said...

Geoff, you got that right.

Anonymous said...

You seriously see GWB as "minutely lesser evil" than Ahmadinejad?!? Wow, I'm not even a Bush supporter and that blows my mind...

E, do you agree with this assessment? I mean, Bush is horrific, but I haven't heard of him wanting all gay people killed or anything remotely that evil.

Geoff said...

"You seriously see GWB as "minutely lesser evil" than Ahmadinejad?!? Wow, I'm not even a Bush supporter and that blows my mind...

E, do you agree with this assessment? I mean, Bush is horrific, but I haven't heard of him wanting all gay people killed or anything remotely that evil."

Ahmanidejad's wanting to kill all gay people vs. Bush's actual responsibility for the deaths of tens of thousands of Iraqi civilians, not to mention the deaths of thousands of American soldiers?

Actions speak louder than words, Anonymous. A great many people have a great many harmful, vile thoughts in their heads. But a thought never killed a person until it was acted upon.

When I say minutely lesser of two evils, which would you rather have?

A cruel dictator who seeks to purge all dissenting religion and homosexuals from his country (not to mention that whole business of maybe, one day, pushing Israel into the sea)?
Or a bumbling War President who goes overseas to wage war and visit untold destruction and heartache on an unsuspecting people in the name of your freedoms?

As I said in my first post. It's not even a question.