Has OBL had work done?
I know they're saying he has a fake beard because he may be hiding in Malaysia or somewhere near (what?! NOT Basra or Tikrit?). But beyond the beard, as the guy on Awful Plastic Surgery says to avoid legal troubles, "he looks....different, doesn't he?" Younger but sicker? A bad brow lift? I'm not sure. The past 6 years may have been good to him propaganda-wise, but they have clearly been unkind to his overall Scary Tribal Warlord image. Especially since this administration obviously doesn't find him scary enough to bother tracking down.
Doesn't it seem wierd that he's wearing the same clothes? What about that nose-looks bigger/fatter, and the brows??? Bet they used a US Marine satallite to send that picture from Tikrit-NOT!
I just want to know what effing traitor sent UBL the "Just For Men" beard coloring kit!!!!
Freddie (of Hollywood) thinks OBL is only a symbol now...
Good one, JP!
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