Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Gridiron Indigestion

A good friend recently attended the Gridiron Dinner, that annual bash thrown by journos at which the POTUS and VPOTUS show up and do a comedy routine written by someone else. Helen Thomas, that Paris Hilton wannabe, invariably shows up in some down-to-there-up-to-here outfit that forces Don Rumsfeld to keep focusing on baseball, baseball, baseball... Well, maybe not. But you get the point; it's the night when both the media and the politicians are supposed to let themselves hang loose.

When I asked my friend whether the evening (and Bush and Cheney) were as funny as the reports made them sound, she said the following:

"They WERE funny. All those jokes about Cheney's approval ratings being at 18% and the ongoing bad relations with the American people were hilarious. Hilarious, that is, if these people weren't actually running the country!"

She nailed it. It would be funny if it were not actually true.

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