Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Who "Flubbed" What?

The parties aren't even over yet and the Rightosphere is in a lather. Over economic policy? No. Over military strategy? No. Over Obama's "flubbing" of the oath of office (further proof he doesn't love America, I'm sure). Unfortunately for them (Drudge, I'm looking at you), you should actually read the oath before breathlessly posting nonsense on a blog. As in, the Chief Justice was the one who got it wrong (I wonder if this is now proof the HE does not love America?):

ROBERTS: Are you prepared to take the oath, Senator?
OBAMA: I am.
ROBERTS: I, Barack Hussein Obama...
OBAMA: I, Barack...
ROBERTS: ... do solemnly swear...
OBAMA: I, Barack Hussein Obama, do solemnly swear...
ROBERTS: ... that I will execute the office of president to the United States faithfully...
OBAMA: ... that I will execute...
ROBERTS: ... faithfully the office of president of the United States...
OBAMA: ... the office of president of the United States faithfully...
ROBERTS: ... and will to the best of my ability...
OBAMA: ... and will to the best of my ability...
ROBERTS: ... preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.
OBAMA: ... preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.
ROBERTS: So help you God?
OBAMA: So help me God.
ROBERTS: Congratulations, Mr. President.

1 comment:

Sabin said...

Thanks for that. Had to unfriend a FaceBook friend today bc he wouldn't. shut. up. Buzzkill.