Wednesday, June 10, 2009

It's Always Something

Blogging will be light in the coming days since preschool has ended and we find ourselves in the interminable interregnum before camp begins. This means 24-hour mommy duty. Made worse by Bambina's recovery from Fifth Disease. She's fine except for The Rash That Will Not Leave. The doctor said it can take 20 days till it clears. In the meantime, she is itchy to the point of crawling out of her skin--particularly at night, on maxed-out doses of zyrtec and benadryl, and is generally too itchy or drowsy to do anything. She's fine but if she gets overheated or sun exposed or anything--blam--the itch is back with a vengeance. So we sat up most of two nights ago, most of last night, and tonight is shaping up to be no exception as my agitated child keeps calling for me. This obviously means that I'm sleeping and blogging very little, which is misery because now there are finally compelling things to rant about. So--I'm not on another sabbatical. I'm just doing my mommy job around the clock is all.

Honk if you can't wait for camp!

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