Sunday, May 13, 2007

Happy Mother's Day to Yo Momma!

Call your mother.
Tell her she's Da Bomb.
Or, if that will invite confusion, tell her she's the original hot ticket.
Or the bees knees.
Or such a card.

However you say it, just say it. Being a mom is the greatest thing in the world. How great is it? It's better even than being Ewan McGregor's girlfriend.

Yeah. It's THAT amazing. And everything you do for your kids is a complete labor of love, it makes you happy to make them safe and happy. And even on the days when you are not feeling outwardly happy, somehow it still makes you happy.

Only now that I'm a Mama do I really understand my own Mum. It's such a tedious cliche that "you'll never understand until you have kids of your own," but for me it really has been true. I never really understood, but now I do. There is no fatigue, worry, pain, heartbreak, fear, happiness, contentment and glorious unbridled joy like it.

Just don't expect to get any REM sleep till they're in college.
Happy Mother's Day!
To my Mummy
To Bambina's Gram
To GiGi
To ma soeur
To ma soeur in law
To all the amazing women who have treated me like their own daughter. You know who you are.


Anonymous said...

You are one of the best moms I know. I learn from you every day. your style is the essence of loving discipline.

Binkie said...

Amen. I feel the same way and have only been in this camp for a short while now...